Shasta Cascade Timberlands
The Shasta Cascade Timberlands, LLC (SCT) estate is comprised of approximately 170,000 acres of high-quality stands of Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, and other mixed conifers stretching across four major blocks from Redding to
Mount Shasta, California.
As a sustainable source of renewable wood supply for the Northern California forest products industry, the property also provides a wealth of natural values to the community, such as:

About Shasta Cascade Timberlands
Shasta Cascade Timberlands, LLC (SCT) was formed in 2018 by New Forests to manage the day-to-day operations of the timberland estate purchased from Roseburg Resources Company. SCT operates with a long-term time horizon, seeking to ensure a combination of ongoing timber supply as well as climate mitigation through practicing climate-smart forestry. The estate includes multiple-use management objectives, reflecting the interests of SCT’s owners to generate combined economic, environmental, and social benefits from responsible forest management.
Local forest management services are provided by FWS Forestry Services California on behalf of SCT.
The Shasta Cascade Timberlands Management Plan is available upon request by submitting a Contact Us request below.
Forest Certification
Shasta Cascade Timberlands is dedicated to ensuring our forest management practices meet or exceed internationally recognized standards for responsible forest management. We are committed to managing our forest for the long term. We ensure that our practices comply with all environmental, social, economic, and cultural standards in a responsible manner.
& Environment
Shasta Cascade Timberlands aspires to deepen our engagement with the communities located around the forest estate. SCT supports a range of local non-profits, community organizations, and other stakeholders whose needs may align with SCT’s resources and management objectives. Such support may include enabling safe access agreements to SCT lands, providing funding for charitable purposes, and growing support for responsible forest management in the region.
SCT actively builds relationships with individuals, organizations, and communities who share our vision. Our vision for the long-term role that responsibly managed forests have in being a source of certified timber and climate benefits as part of a thriving Northern California community and economy.